Farmland Community of Practice

The Problem 

Resources: National Young Farmers Coalition Building A Future With Farmers II; Marion County Purdue Extension needs assessment; 

Resources: American Farmland Trust Farms Under Threat 2040

Our strategy

We are bringing together a Community of Practice of 40+ Indiana professionals whose work involves farming, farmland transfer, and/or farmland conservation dedicated to regularly meeting and learning together. Here's what we're doing over 1.5 years:

Year 1 (June 2023-June 2024): Learning Intensive: this is the learning portion of the initiative. The CoP gathers for monthly Zoom meetings with guest speakers to learn what they are doing to improve farmland conservation and access. The focus is then is to explore how these strategies could work in Indiana. Speakers include land trust staff, policy makers, researchers, 

Click here to access previous meetings materials and resource library.

Year 2 (June-October 2024): Strategic Doing: This is the action portion. After a year of learning, members will identify and make progress on 1-3 90-day projects. We'll be using a Strategic Doing approach under the consulting guidance of Jane Rogan. 

Our partners

This work is supported by Indiana SARE. We are coordinating the Community of Practice in close collaboration with Purdue Extension.

What we've learned so far

Through these monthly discussions, we've learned that solutions are abundant and diverse! 

Here are some recurring themes: 


What comes next?

Starting in June, a subset of the Community of Practice will be taking on a 90-day project(s) to put what we've learned to practice. Stay tuned to learn about what these projects will be and how we'll be using Strategic Doing to guide our work!