Farmer-to-Farmer Learning

Learning and Growing Together

We know that farmers learn best from each other. Partners across the state are working to support farmers, from annual conferences like the Indiana Small Farm Conference, Black Loam, and the Indiana Grown Symposium, to one-on-one farm visits led by Urban Soil Health. PIFF is contributing to this suite of support by gathering folks for farmer-to-farmer learning. 

For Farmers, By Farmers

The topics will vary based on what farmers and allies around the state ask us to present but we'll always focus on:

The Nuts and Bolts of Production

Our field days and farmer gatherings provide hands-on, farmer-led programming, often showing how 2-3 different farmers tackle something from start-to-finish. We dive into the nuts and bolts of specific production techniques Keys to success:

Stretch goal for the future: Provide mechanisms for follow-up after the event, and build toward ongoing learning communities.

Farm Viability

We’re Midwesterners, so we don’t always like to talk about money - but it’s critical to have frank, open conversations about farm finances and business development. PIFF wants to make these conversations normal, hopeful, and regular…because we can only keep farming if we can make a living farming.

We’re integrating farm viability discussions into all of our field days and workshops, and hosting some field days focused entirely on this topic. Check out our upcoming events, as well as our resources page for tutorials, webinars, and books to spur the farm viability conversation on your farm.